Friday, November 18, 2016


by Celia Rees

Reviewed by Sean Lee

Fall 2017

REVIEW: Pirates! by Celia Rees
ISBN#: 9780605013322

Based on a true story, Pirates! by Celia Rees, is about a woman named Nancy Kington. Her lifestyle changed from a respectable upper class citizen, to a plundering pirate. When Nancy’s father passed away, Nancy moved to Jamaica where her father owned a plantation. There, Nancy met Minerva and Phillis, two of her house slaves. Nancy also met Duke, the slave manager. Duke was not kind to the slaves, he would whip them and insult them. Nancy grew a strong distaste for him. Later, Nancy discovered that she was to be married to a man named Bartholome. He had given her a pair of ruby earrings and a ruby necklace as a wedding present. Phillis urged Nancy to rid herself of the rubies immediately. One night, Nancy caught Duke with Minerva, and without thinking, she shot him in the head. That night, Nancy, and some slaves fled from the plantation, seeking shelter. They found a camp, and settled there. a pirate ship arrived on the coast to
trade. Nancy had grown paranoid that Bartholome was tracking her, and fearing the safety of her friends at camp, she decided to start a new life as a pirate with Minerva. They went on many voyages with their crew, and plundered ships. After some time, Captain Broom, the pirate captain, became tired of being a criminal and avoiding the navy ships. They decided to start a new life in Madagascar, a pirate haven. Their ship was transformed into a respectable merchant ship, and life was beginning to seem normal in Madagascar. Nancy was beginning to realize that Bartholome wasn’t coming for her after all, but she was proved to be incorrect when he showed up on the coast of their settlement. (288)

This story caught my eye on the shelf in the library because of its peculiar title. I found it interesting that the title included an exclamation mark in it. I read the summary of the book, and was immediately interested. As I read the first few chapters however, I was beginning to realize that the book wasn’t as engrossing as I thought it would be. I read on, and I discovered that the story became more interesting when the main character began her life as a pirate. After that, the book was absorbing all the way to the end. I especially like the idea that the women weren’t mistreated in the book, and in fact, they were one of the major characters that dominated in the novel. I didn’t realize that the book was based on “the true and remarkable adventures of Minerva Sharpe and Nancy Kington, female pirates”. Throughout the book, I found a few vocabulary words that I weren’t familiar with. These vocabulary words were usually associated with sailing terms, and were old-fashioned. I would recommend this book to students my age, from grade six to grade eight. I believe that even high-schoolers would enjoy this book. Even though I give this book high praise, I probably would not read it again, because of its slow progress in plot. I would rate this book seven out of ten stars. (231)



1. What is the name of the ship William is assigned cabin boy to?
1a. The Amelia is the name of the ship (pg. 30)
2. What is the name of Nancy’s father’s new wife?
2a.  Nancy’s father’s new wife is Mrs. Wilkes (pg. 33)
3. Why was William not paid by Captain Thomas?
3a. William was not paid because he lost a whole parcel of slaves overboard (pg. 44)
4. What did Nancy see that frightened and disgusted her so much?
4a. Nancy saw an African-American woman slave lying in the dirt, half dead (pg. 95)
5. What are Duke’s definition of “maroons”?
5a. Duke says that maroons are escaped slaves and runaway servants who live in the mountains (pg. 110)

Abominably (pg. 20)
Jerkin (pg. 46)
Trifle (pg. 61)
Buccaneer (pg. 73)
Plaited (pg. 99)


6. What was Bartholome’s gift to Nancy?
6a. Bartholome gave Nancy a pair of ruby earrings (pg. 137)
7. Why did Nancy, Minerva, Phillis, and Thomas flee the plantation and head for the maroons?
7a. They fled because Nancy killed Duke, the slave manager (pg. 146)
8. Who was the captain of the pirates that visited the maroon camp?
8a. The captain was Captain Broom, a sailor who first escorted Nancy to the plantation (pg. 172)
9. Why did the pirates decide to go to shore and sell their goods?
9a. The pirates went to shore to sell their goods because they wanted silver and gold, and the ships they raided had none (pg. 213)
10. Who was the head of the Navy that took all the pirates prisoner?
10a. The head of the Navy was William, Nancy’s first love (pg. 242)

Skein (pg. 129)
Swathed (pg. 155)
Leviathan (pg. 183)
Mutinous (pg. 223)
Capstan (pg. 247)


11. Who came to the crew’s rescue after they were marooned on an island?
11a. Vincent came to their rescue on his ship, The Swift Return (pg. 261)
12. Which pirate had their ship seized by Captain Broom?
12a. Captain Edward Low was robbed by Captain Broom (pg. 272)
13. How did Minerva manage to defeat Limster in a duel?
13a. She tired him out by jumping around and forced him into soft sand so it was harder for him to move around (pg. 290)
14. Where did Surgeon Graham make his leave from the crew?
14a. Surgeon Graham left at the Cape of Good Hope (pg. 325)
15. Who ended up killing Bartholome and how did they kill him?
15a. Minerva killed Bartholome by slicing his head off with a sword (pg. 362)

Stubbled (pg. 285)
Draughts (pg. 305)
Insipid (pg. 327)
Veranda (pg. 340)
Trussed (pg. 362)

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